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Naked Companies after Covid-19

Getting back to normal, do not turn off the past!

Companies you did not hear anything from during the crisis are back with targeting you! You decide which are worth your attention!

As I mentioned in my article from April 15th, 2020, nothing ever reveals more the essence/basic thinking/real intent/personal traits of organisations and individuals than a crisis.

Therefore, we have great opportunities now to look at organisations we interact or interacted with. These interactions reveal so much more than anything you possibly could notice in standard operation times!

Now, as in several countries restrictions are being lifted and we get into better mood, companies are starting their targeted marketing activities again. From several we did not hear anything in that tough times, but now they would love to count on our ongoing customer loyalty. So do not turn off the past!

Use a lens spotlight on interactions you had and have as

  • Employee with your Employer
  • Customer with your Supplier
  • Supplier with your Buyer

and you will get quite some information helpful to assess the quality of your relationship. Organisations are no humans; however, they are represented by humans! Therefore, I dare to say the same principle of past behaviour predicts future behaviour applies.

A lens helps to focus on the indicators for critical interactions in the current situation but it also magnifies behaviours and traits important with "business as usual" too.

Timeliness: When did you receive first information? When there were the first signs of a potential crisis or days and weeks after media and governments got active? How often did/do you receive unsolicited updates (very important in critical times)?

Content: What information did you receive besides maybe a standard courtesy letter from the CEO? How relevant was the information for your specific situation (quality)? What about openness and transparency? Is the organisation openly disclosing future activities and plans? Still the plans may and will change, but that should be dealt with in up-dates. Did you have the feeling your situation is/was taken care seriously? Building confidence in critical times is the name of the game!

Accuracy: How accurate and reliable was/is the information provided? No one can know everything in a crisis situation, the more it is important to admit it (no wrong claims). Is there shared learning and, above all, did the organisation provide reasoning and disclosed data sources?

Despite all the issues I believe there is a chance for companies to do it right also now and build relations to their audiences that are stronger and more reliable than they ever have been in the past.

However, they must not forget about the AND: As a customer or supplier I also made my experiences now. In the digital age I have the choice and my expectations.

Employees unfortunately are facing more difficult times, still what I wrote about "Naked Leadership past Covid19" in my last article might help to take some good decisions for the future.

– Published on LinkedIn on May 13th, 2020


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